Saturday 9 May 2015

My First Run!

My usual Saturday morning consists of me waking up at around 10am then going to work in the afternoon. But not today! I decided to set an alarm for 7am and get myself to go on a run! I asked my dad to join  me (he's into fitness so he runs quite a bit) and we just ran round our area! 

Before we set off I had a glass of water and a banana for some energy, and we were out of the house by 7:20! My dad used his "Map My Run" app (which I've just downloaded also!) to see how far I could manage.

Anorexia took away my ability to exercise. I was put on a strict order not to exercise and was even banned from taking part in PE in Year 11. So I haven't done any "proper" exercise in nearly 3 years! Crazy! I knew starting running would be hard due to  me having literally no muscle or stamina but I'm determined to give it my best shot.

I only managed to run "around the block" twice, which my dad's app said was 0.8 It may seem bad but like I said, it's been a while and I'm trying to break myself into it!

Before I got ill I used to do a lot of sports (I was a keen gymnast and loved athletics season at school). I also took part in Cross Country which at the time I hated but I wasn't too bad at it. 

All the old feelings of the burning sensation at the back of your throat and jelly legs came back to me haha. I tried to push through it and after the second lap I was done! As my dad is interested in fitness, he owns some gym equipment so after we went and used some of that as we were all warmed up! I did some sit ups, push ups, burpees and even lifted the lightest weight haha. All in moderation!

I'm not expecting to be amazing straight away but I hope to keep practising around 1-3 times a week and hopefully I'll see a difference! 

One thing I do need to invest in though is some proper workout clothes..haha. I ran in leggings, a jumper and my Converse. I know Converse aren't good for your feet to run in but it's all I have for now! My dad said if I keep it up we can go and get some "proper" ones which I'm excited for! That's my motivation right now :) 

I'm not exercising to lose weight, I'm doing it for myself and my own fitness!!


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