Thursday 28 May 2015

Feeling Uninspired

Hello! This is just a quick post. I'm posting this as this is my personal blog and I'll post what I'm feeling and thinking and well today, I'm feeling uninspired. Uninspired about my blog. I'm finding it hard for ideas what to post, and I find it boring for the few readers I do have (I love you all!!) when I keep posting updates about my day etc. as they're not really that helpful as say a post about eating out in public.

Did that make sense? I have no clue. I've just had a nap so I'm pretty sure I'm half asleep still haha.

Feel free to post any ideas of posts you want! Whether it's my past experiences, any advice on certain topics or anything else!!! I'm trying to think up of posts but I just can't right now..and as I've finished school I've got the time to write them now too!!

So here's some selfies from before my nap as I'm just about to go shopping, so I'll do a better post tonight about how that goes!!


Wednesday 27 May 2015

Eating Out When In Eating Disorder Recovery

Eating out in public is one of the worst fears for someone suffering from an eating disorder. The fear of unknown calories, unknown surroundings and the fear of being judged can all be too much and stop someone from eating out in public. 

Eating out in public did affect me when I was at my worse with my Anorexia. The thought of it made me feel ill and I always had an overwhelming feeling of anxiety. Sometimes it'd get too much I'd just break down. It got to the point even at school I couldn't eat in the common room so I had to eat alone in a classroom. 

Below I'm going to give some advice which my therapist gave me and also some things which I've found useful! Believe me, you can overcome this and eat out in public happy and healthily again. 

Start off with small meals which contain foods you know/like
This is an important step. There's no point challenging yourself on your first meal out to eat a huge burger with greasy fries etc. as the meal alone will make your thoughts worse on top of eating out. Start with something simple like a salad (or anything else you think you can manage!) and work up from there. (Remember; if you just have a salad to make up the calories you're  missing at another point in the day!!). 

Over time you will make progress and be able to manage different meals better!

Don't worry over portion size 
We all know that when you eat out at a restaurant that the meals are larger than what you'd normally have at home. Don't worry over this, at the start when you're beginning to challenge yourself to eat out just eat what you can manage of your meal, then next time eat a little more and a little more etc. 

Take it steady, you don't want to throw yourself in at the deep end then find out you've pushed yourself too far as this could set you back in your recovery. 

Don't focus on the food
This may seem a hard thing to do and it is. All you want to do in a restaurant when you have an ED is to think about the food and the calories in the meals. But instead, focus on the people you're with. Make conversations with who you're out with and join in. If you can, tell them that you're scared/nervous etc. so they can try and keep you preoccupied. 

Prepare yourself
I'm guessing you're going to have known about your meal out for at least a day, so you've got some time to "prepare" yourself. By prepare I mean mentally prepare. Think positive thoughts and try and rationalise the bad thoughts with good ones. For example, if your bad thoughts are telling you that everyone will be staring at you as you're eating - balance this out with "It's a restaurant, everyone will be eating I'm no different". 

Also, whilst you're there if you feel anxiety coming over you (or if you feel as though you're going to have a panic attack - take deep breaths. Keep repeating and try and keep the positive thoughts in your mind. If you have to leave the table part way through the meal then do so, just return and try again. 

Plan ahead 
This may be helpful if you're super scared. If you know the place you'll be eating at why not go on the website and have a look at the menu? Then you can pick a shortlist of meals you may want to try so when you get there you won't be overwhelmed with panic. 

I wish you all the best of luck!! This won't be easy and nobody said it would be, but you'll get there!! It won't happen over night and could take many meals out for you to feel comfortable about doing it!! I believe in you all. 


Film Days & Broken Car

Yesterday (Tuesday) me and some friends decided to have a "film day" at one of their houses for something to do as we were all bored haha. In the end we started watching around 5 different films and didn't finish any of them as we'd get bored or just talk through the film...Later that evening we all went out for a meal and then went to the cinema to see The Poltergeist. It's crap, terrible and possible one of the worst films I've ever seen. It was a stereotypical horror but it wasn't even "done" well and the story/plot behind it was so guessable you could see things happening a mile off. The film didn't explain what the Poltergeist was not even at the end of the film so you're left guessing (in a bad way!). I usually love horror films but I wasn't a fan of this one....

And now my mini film review is over (haha) this is the outfit I wore. The jumper is from Miss Guided and the skirt from Topshop.

And now onto today. It's only 11am as I'm writing this and I've already been out of the house! I haven't mentioned it before but last Thursday my car broke down on the way home from work (it was scary!) and I've only just got it fixed as the part to fix it needed to be ordered in. I got a phone call at 9am saying if I could get the car to the garage for 10am this morning they could fix it before I had to go to work! (I'm in work at 1pm today). So I rushed to get ready as I was still in bed when I had the call and they managed to fix it for me! I hated not having my car is I need to use it to get to work etc. 

As I had to just dash out of the house I had to make something quick for a bit of morning fuel, so I made a smoothie. I haven't had a smoothie for a few days so I was craving one! Mum had bought some frozen mango which was nice as I've never had it before and I loved it! 

Have a nice day 


Monday 25 May 2015

Bank Holiday Working & Relaxing

Hello! Today's post is coming from my phone as I literally have no energy left in me to switch on my laptop haha. 

It's another Bank Holiday in England today so I decided to sign myself up for working as I thought why not?! I regretted that decision when my alarm went off at half 8 this morning....

I work in retail so obviously the store is open on bank holidays, and the store is often quite busy as obviously most people aren't in work at their jobs therefore come shopping. I did a 10-6:30 shift today which was long but whilst I was there I didn't mind that much! Ever since I've began being more positive in myself and work I've found myself enjoying it more and finding that I don't mind being there. 

I've also found that recently work have been giving me some more responsibility which I'm liking! In the future I'd quite like to be a manager (in around 3-5 years probably!) therefore these are great steps to be making! In this past week alone I've been able to 'run' a part of the shift (only for around 30 minutes each time but it was still fun and quite a bit of responsibility as I'm the person people call if they need help!) and I've also been trained on how to shut town the tills at the end of shifts. 

Anyway apart from work; I've spent the rest of the evening relaxing and having some 'me' time after working 3 days in a row. 

So once I'd has a bath and got into my comfy clothes I lit my favourite candle ever (yes I know it's Christmas themed and we're in May but still!) and relaxed by listening to my audio book. I'm currently listening to Harry Potter and The Chamber of Sevrets and I'm finally up to the part where they use the Polyjuice Potion! 

I'll be back tomorrow as its my day off with more informative posts! Sorry they've been lacking recently. 


Sunday 24 May 2015

One Year On (Then Vs Now)

This post may include some triggering "eating disorder" habits, read with caution 

In this post I'll be comparing how things were a year ago for me (mental health wise) vs now! Although, a year ago things were really good for me so there's nothing to compare. So I'll be comparing now to around 18 months ago when I was about to be admitted to hospital.

I hope this post will show how may positive changes can happen in your life when you start recovery. So let's begin! :) 

Then; Keeping a "food diary" of every item of food in the kitchen, so when we had meals I could know how many calories were in everything without having to ask my mum.
Now; Not knowing and not caring what's in meals/items of foods. Also not keeping the diary! 

Then; "Body checking" multiple times a day, and taking pictures day-by-day to track "progress".
Now; Not taking pictures of my body (unless it's an ordinary selfie haha) and not looking for progress.

Then; Wanting to die rather than gaining weight.
Now; Gaining weight doesn't phase me (to some extent) and I'd rather live my life rather than die. 

Then; Thinking I was obese with a BMI less than 15.
Now; Understanding that I'm not obese and never was. I know have a healthy BMI and feel great and healthy!!
Then; Letting the voices in my head control everything I did.
Now; Having complete control over blanking the voice and ignoring it and not giving in to it's "orders".

Then; Restricting my calories to the extreme 
Now; Eating over the recommend daily amount for women and not feeling guilty 

Then; Crying over pretty much everything over 5 times a day
Now; Not crying over everything and anything and feeling as though I can deal with things!
Then; Being terrified of gaining weight 
Now; The thought not scaring me and I'm able to except it

Then; Hiding food in every way possible (in clothes, in pockets etc)
Now; Not looking for ways to hide food

And there are plenty more positive changes which recovery has brought to my life!!!


The End (I finished school!)

So sorry I haven't updated in a few days! The past 3-4 days have just been a whirlwind and have flown by! I'll just go through them in this post! 

So on Friday I finished school! I am officially done! Well not quite, I still have to go into school for two exams and then I'm finished for good. I still find it bizarre and kind of frightening the fact I'm done with education and I'm now I'm in the big wild world and an adult with adult responsibilities haha.

After we finished school on Friday it's a tradition that we all go down into the local pub and have a few drinks (don't worry I am of legal drinking age - 18!). Then after a few hours there, we all went home for a couple of hours and went back out in the evening! I didn't get home until around midnight and I had work the next day and I felt a little rough haha.

Then today (Sunday) I've just worked all day so I haven't really had time to update until now! I hope you all understand.

I have no pictures to put on this post and it's bothering me sooooo much!!!!

How has your day been?


Wednesday 20 May 2015

Two Days to go, TV Nights & Procrastination

It's Wednesday night which only means one thing; I have two days left at school! That's right I just can't quite believe it! I know I keep going on about it but it's such a big thing happening in my life right now and I'm sure I'll do another post either tomorrow or Friday!

When I got in from school today I relaxed by watching old episodes of "Friday Night Dinner" which is a comedy show on Channel 4, I highly recommend! I also tried the Nakd Banana Bread bar and I must say I didn't really like it. Probably one of the worse Nakd bars! 

Then later on me and my sister went into the living room and watched Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone on DVD. After reading the audio-book I've being dying to watch it! I'm pretty sure my love for Harry Potter will never die. 

And the picture above is literally me right now hahaha. I'm at the point where I only have two days left of school and I still need to revise! In June I go back into school but for only my two exams (maths)! I need to revise but I'm just procrastinating and not doing it. If anyone knows me in real life they'll know I'm "known" around school for not doing any work hahaha. 

How has your day been?


Adult Colouring Books - The Positives!

If you've been reading my blog since I started a few weeks ago you'll know I did a post about me receiving my colouring book from an order I placed online! Well I've now had around 2-3 weeks with it and I'm finally doing a post about them and why they're so good! First I'll talk about the advantages and then I'll discuss the books I have! :)

The benefits;
It's stress relieving - Even the book on the picture above says it! As we're focusing so much on colouring neatly, deciding what colour's to use and what patterns to draw our mind and thoughts is taken away from the thing which is stressing us out. For example, if the thing on your mind is an essay - your mind is taken off that when you're colouring thus reducing the stress!
It's calming - Again as colouring is taking up the majority of your mind, you're able to calm down and unwind. This is why I love colouring when I've just finished school or work as it's "me time".
Stimulates the brain - Colouring is an activity which allows the brain to be stimulated. You're working the creative part of the brain which is great for every day activities.
It's fun! - You're able to put down all technology and just have time to yourself, and it still be fun! I can find myself colouring away and before I know it 45 minutes has passed! 

These are the two books which I own. The larger book called "Art Therapy" is the first one I bought and is the one which all the pictures below are from. This one was a great buy and was around £4 from Amazon which is great! The paper is nice and thick so the pen doesn't run through and the designs are beautiful. 

The next book is "The Mindfulness Colouring Book" and I bought it for £4 from Sainsbury's (A supermarket). This book I have only started small designs in, and to be honest the designs aren't as good as the other book. They're more patterns rather than pictures (if that makes sense..) and I don't enjoy them so much. But it is a perfect "handbag size" book so it's good to carry around I guess! 

I may do a more in-depth review in the future of the books! 

Below are some of the drawings which I have completed. I do like to take my time with the drawings and not rush them, I think it may also be because I take so long to decide what colour(s) I want to use haha. 

Have you tried colouring books?


Further reading;

Monday 18 May 2015

Places I want to Travel To

Travelling is something I've always wanted to do. I love exploring new places and seeing what different places has to offer. Recovery is something which I went into as I knew once I was recovered I was free to travel! 

I have a job as some of you may know and I hope to save my money so I could travel. I live in the UK, and I don't mind even just travelling a few hours from where I live to explore a new city or town! I love going to London, although I don't go that often I always love it when I go and I hope to go this summer! 

Other places where I'd love to visit are obviously America. I've always wanted to go to America and I haven't been yet. I don't mind where in America, but I'd obviously love to visit the usual places such as New York, California or Florida. There is a scheme called Camp America which allows young adults to spend their summer living in America and helping out at summer camps. This is something I'd love to do next year and I'm saving for it! 

Australia is another place I'd love to visit. Australia looks as though it has so much to offer and I love the accent! Last year I had an exchange student from Australia at my school and she described Australia as being an amazing place! Australia is super expensive to visit though, so it may be something I do in around 5 years time. 

Europe also has a lot to offer. I've already been able to visit quite a few places in Europe and some of them I'd love to go back to. In 2011 I visited both Stockholm in Sweden for 5 days and also the Netherlands for 4 days. Both of these trips were with school so I didn't have a lot of time to explore and I was still quite young then so I didn't really appreciate it. I'd love to go back to Sweden as the small parts of it I did see were beautiful! Maybe a weekend break away soon! In 2013 I visited Amsterdam which was an amazing experience. This time I went with my mum and sister and even though we only went for 3 days they were action packed. We managed to fit everything we wanted to see in just 3 days. It was exhausting but soooo good! We managed to go to the Anne Frank house which was an eye-opening experience, we also took a boat trip down all of the canals and tried out some of the foods there! I loved it there and would love to go back. Last summer (2014) me my mum, step dad and sister went to Krakow, Poland. Again another city break for 3 days. The weather was beautiful and again was another eye-opening break. We visited Auschwitz which was the Concentration Camp from WW2. This was a very moving experience and something I'll never feel the same for again, it was very interesting and I highly recommend everyone visiting at some point during their lives. Poland also had a lot more to offer with beautiful buildings and architecture which was lovely! 

Other places in Europe I'd love to go to are France (especially Paris) and Italy!! But I'd be happy with going pretty much anywhere! 

And there are just a few places I'd like to go within the next few years! Also a re-cap of some of my other holidays haha. I'd love to see all of the world which I know is near-impossible, but it's a dream!


Loving Yourself

It's important to tell yourself that you love yourself and that you're beautiful on a daily basis. 

Telling yourself that you're beautiful, amazing, stunning, that you look great works wonders for your self esteem. It also allows you over time to feel more positive about yourself and you will learn to love yourself.

Before you leave the house; look in the mirror. The first thing you may see are all of your "flaws" such as messy hair, bad skin. But look past those and remind yourself of all of your good points. Such as nice eyes, teeth, hair, make-up. Stop and remind yourself that you are beautiful, you're amazing and you're an individual. You are not your flaws and you're worth so much more!!!!

Especially when suffering from an eating disorder, your self esteem is rock bottom and the way you view yourself is distorted. In recovery it's your time to change this around and help build up your self esteem. Believe me, it makes you feel amazing when you can tell yourself positive things and believe them, for the rest of the day you just feel great and positive about yourself. 

It will take time to change your way of thinking about yourself and may even take weeks or months but it's important to keep doing it in order to feel amazing about yourself!!
