Tuesday, 5 May 2015

We Can Treat Ourselves!

I feel as though in recovery, we forget that sometimes it is OK to treat ourselves to the occasional sweet thing or item of food which isn't in our "normal" eating plan. During recovery it is important to challenge yourself to eat new things and maybe even face fear foods, as this is how you learn how to overcome the irrational fear of a certain food and lead your way onto living a more "normal" lifestyle so to speak. 

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I consider myself as nearly fully recovered. Because of this I know what it's like to face a fear food, or to eat something more challenging. As yes it is hard, but I believe you can do it.

In order to build a more healthy relationship with food again it's important that we eat outside of our meal plan, and begin by adding foods back into our diets which we cut out.

Treating yourself to the occasional "treat" is a good thing, and you shouldn't feel bad for it. Your body is probably crying out for those extra calories and just remember each mouthful is a foot in the right direction. You can't live the rest of your life being in fear of certain foods, and I have found the best time to try my "fear foods" was when I was gaining weight as I knew I had to gain the weight therefore I felt OK about it. 

One of my favourite treats at the minute is the Dairy Milk Marvellous Ice Creams Jelly Popping Candy ice cream. It's beautiful! I love sweet stuff and I love ice cream and this is by far my favourite (apart from Ben and Jerry's...). I love treating myself to this after a busy shift at work. 

I don't even know if this post made sense, I just wanted to get the point across that it's OK to treat yourself to certain foods! You deserve the best and I'm sure you'll feel great after you've had that chocolate bar or ice cream!!! <3


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