Sunday, 10 May 2015

Increasing my Meal Plan to Gain Weight

This is going to be more of a personal post so sorry if you're wanting something less personal haha :)

In the past few weeks I've been super motivated to start exercising (not to lose weight, but for my own health and to feel better about myself) and in order to do this I feel as though I need to gain more weight.

In this post I'm not going to discuss my weight as obviously this is a recovery blog and numbers can be triggering to both myself and others. But currently my weight is the "low" end of healthy, and now I'm recovered I am accepting that I want to gain more weight now. I was discharged from mental health services a few months ago and as soon as my weight reached the "healthy" range. At the time I felt huge and that I could never gain any more weight otherwise I'd be obese. Obviously this was just Anorexia talking and really, I could do with an extra 1/2 a stone on me! 

I no longer look like I'm a walking skeleton or like I'm dead, but I do still look a bit "bony" and I want to get rid of that. I am now at the stage where I'm a bit self concious that I still look skinny and people do notice this, and with 1/2 a stone added to my weight I'm sure I'll look great!

Adding 1/2 a stone will also allow me to exercise more (and hopefully better!) and I won't have the constant fear that I may lose weight and become underweight again.

Oh yeah that's me by the way ^ I feel super scared about posting this hahaha.

So obviously to gain weight I'm having to increase my meal plan. I don't really follow a "set" meal plan any more to be honest, I kind of just eat whatever, whenever. Because of this I'm going to try and double some of my meals (for example, for supper I usually have two rounds of toast, but instead I'm going to have 4!). My dad also suggested adding protein powder into my smoothies to add some more calories so this may be an option in the future.

Obviously I'll do it in small steps and it'll be gradual. But I think this is a massive recovery win right now for me as I'm feeling okay about having to gain more weight and I actually want to! Nobody is forcing me it's my own decision which I feel great about! 


1 comment:

  1. Wow I think you're so inspirational wanting to gain a 1/2 stone. Definitely a recovery win for you! You actually look stunning in your photograph! X
