Saturday, 2 May 2015

Porridge For Breakfast!

Happy Saturday! When I woke up this morning I decided to change my usual breakfast to porridge! I used to have porridge quite a bit, but I used the ones in the sachets (I can't remember the brand oops!) but I never really liked them. 

Anyway I decided to use just plain oats this time and make my own. The ratios I used were 1/2 a cup of oats and 1/2 a cup of milk. I then put them in the microwave for 2 and a 1/2 minutes! 

I then added on top honey and mixed nuts! I must say it was lovely and tasted way better than the sachets. 

Porridge makes me feel full for a good few hours which is good as on a Saturday I have a long 9 hour shift at work! 

I hope to make porridge an everyday breakfast from me now! 



  1. Delicious :):) Oatmeal is the best thing for breakfast! I usually top mine with cottage cheese and nuts and lots of other things :) I love it!! Also the good thing about oatmeal is that you can have so many different toppings!

    1. Oohh I'll have to try cottage cheese! I'm hoping to try either peanut butter or chocolate in the next few days :)
