Monday, 4 May 2015

Monday Morning Musing

It's Monday! A new week and a fresh start! In the UK today is a Bank Holiday (May Day) which means no school! But I do have work later for a few hours so at least I have something to do!:)

I woke up this morning with a terrible cold, I have a blocked nose and my head feels as though it weighs around a tonne :( I debated whether or not I wanted to go into work but I could do with the money and maybe work will take my mind off it! 

I like spending time relaxing and being alone, therefore as this morning was lovely and sunny I decided to sit in the garden for 30 minutes! My cat even came and joined me! I decided to start listening to the Harry Potter audiobooks again and I've just started with the Philosopher's Stone! I love listening to books. I'm listening to the one commentated by Stephan Fry. 

Today I've kind of lost my appetite due to my cold so I decided to just make myself a smoothie and have a few biscuits so I can get some energy in me! Of course I'll eat something else later but for now it's just little and often! 

And yes I put it onto the radiator so I could take a nice(ish) picture haha...

Hope you all have a nice day! I'll let you know how my audiobook is going!!



  1. Hi Izzy! I just found your blog through karly's and I think it is so lovely <3 I plan to read more posts over the next few days but I just thought Id drop you a line and say hello and carry on the good work! And btw I also love to sit in the garden on a nice day and I also love sitting with my cat ;) <3 x

    1. Aww that's so nice! Hi!! I already read your blog and I think it's great! Welcome to my blog haha :) x
