It's another Bank Holiday in England today so I decided to sign myself up for working as I thought why not?! I regretted that decision when my alarm went off at half 8 this morning....
I work in retail so obviously the store is open on bank holidays, and the store is often quite busy as obviously most people aren't in work at their jobs therefore come shopping. I did a 10-6:30 shift today which was long but whilst I was there I didn't mind that much! Ever since I've began being more positive in myself and work I've found myself enjoying it more and finding that I don't mind being there.
I've also found that recently work have been giving me some more responsibility which I'm liking! In the future I'd quite like to be a manager (in around 3-5 years probably!) therefore these are great steps to be making! In this past week alone I've been able to 'run' a part of the shift (only for around 30 minutes each time but it was still fun and quite a bit of responsibility as I'm the person people call if they need help!) and I've also been trained on how to shut town the tills at the end of shifts.
Anyway apart from work; I've spent the rest of the evening relaxing and having some 'me' time after working 3 days in a row.
So once I'd has a bath and got into my comfy clothes I lit my favourite candle ever (yes I know it's Christmas themed and we're in May but still!) and relaxed by listening to my audio book. I'm currently listening to Harry Potter and The Chamber of Sevrets and I'm finally up to the part where they use the Polyjuice Potion!
I'll be back tomorrow as its my day off with more informative posts! Sorry they've been lacking recently.
I love Yankee candles, or any scented candles to be honest! I hope you enjoyed your relaxing evening! X