If you didn't know today is the 1st of May! I can't believe we're already five months into 2015..crazy! Anyway I'd start to like doing a post like this at the start of every month, listing the things which will be happening (mostly positives!) then at the end of the month do a recap on the things which have happened!
- Finishing school. On the 22nd May I finish school (or Sixth Form) forever! I will never be classed as a school student again! Scary. If you haven't read my introduction post (here) then you wont know that I am going to be taking a gap year this next year until I decide what I want to be doing!
- Getting my blog off to a good start. I only started my blog 2 days ago (I think..lol) but I'm hoping that this month I'll be writing even more posts and maybe gain 1 follower?! Who knows.
- Taking up more exercise. I'd just like to stress I'm not doing this for weight loss or because my Anorexia is telling me to, more to the fact that I want to. I'd love to be more healthy so I'd love to start running. I think I'm going to start off with just some walks first to break myself in to it due to me not exercising properly for nearly 3 years. Maybe in June I'll buy a proper pair of running shoes!!
I hope you have a great month and achieve your goals :):) Take it easy with the exercise to begin with and you'll build up strength eventually :)